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Call for abstracts

Abstract content and submission


New date for abstracts submission: March 31, 2019


Abstracts to be presented at the International Meeting on Paleoclimate: change and adaptation should be short (300–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. Figures are welcome, but the abstract must have a maximum of two pages

Abstracts remain online and are searchable also for people not participating in the International Meeting on Paleoclimate: change and adaptation. Further information on abstract submission can be found bellow.

Procedure for Abstracts Submission

Submissions should be done by the author(s) by sending the abstract to the email Please use the Abstract Template available below.


The works selected to be presented in poster format should be in size A1 (594 mm x 841 mm - vertical).

Templates in the images below.

Abstract Template (docx)

Abstract Template (doc)

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